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How to cope with the end of the ACP program: insights and tips from Nex-Tech

June 26, 2024

If you are a decision-maker at a rural telecommunications company, you may be wondering how to cope with the end of the ACP program. ACP, or the Emergency Broadband Benefit Program, was a federal program that gave a $30 monthly discount to low-income households to help them pay for their internet bills. It was launched in December 2020 as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic, but it ran out of money by May 2024, leaving millions of people without the benefit.

That’s why we at Nex-Tech, a company that provides internet and other services to rural communities in Kansas, decided to highlight this topic in our webinar series called The Edge, where we share some insights and tips on how to succeed in the broadband industry.

We have rolled out our new Internet Discount Program (IDP) to replace ACP by offering a $30 monthly discount to eligible customers who apply in person and agree to email billing and auto payment. The program is available to current and new customers on the 1 GB Internet plan and requires annual recertification. Customers can qualify based on income or other programs once they show proof of eligibility.

The IDP program is our way of continuing the ACP discount. If you are interested in getting more information about Nex-Tech’s new Internet Discount Program, or possibly launching your company’s own version of IDP, please reach out to a member of the Nex-Tech Creative team to get started today. 

The Edge - Embark. Engage. Excel.
