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Nex-Tech CES Engages with State Legislators in Hays

March 7, 2024
I was recently at the Legislative Coffee organized by the Hays Chamber of Commerce, where I engaged with state legislators representing the Hays area. Hays is a city of over 20,000 residents where Nex-Tech offers fiber broadband, home and facility security services, and other technology solutions to residents. Nex-Tech advocates to ensure that public policy remains amenable to the growth and development of the Hays area.

It was useful to listen to and engage with Rep. Barb Wasinger (Dist. 111), Rep. Ken Rahjes (Dist. 110), and Senator Rick Bilinger (Dist. 40). 

I think trust is a key part of effective public engagement. Trust with our legislators is built consciously by meeting in person, exchanging pleasantries, learning about what they are up to, and nurturing those relationships. The legislature is busy at this time of the year, and we appreciate them coming to Hays to provide stakeholders with an update. Nex-Tech will keep advocating for the communities we serve. 

Friday Otuya

Connect with Friday

Friday Otuya
Community Engagement Specialist

Friday Otuya /Or-Too-Yah/ drives our multifaceted community economic development efforts and is the Nex-Tech contact for all our loan and grant programs. His vision is to position Nex-Tech as the community economic development partner of choice in Kansas for federal, state, and local stakeholders.  He lives with his wife and son in Hays, KS.

Weekdays: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
