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How Nex-Tech Drives E-Learning at Salina Public Library

May 17, 2024

As I travel across communities spreading the Nex-Tech story, people always ask me how I learned so much about the United States. While the question is understandable considering that I have been in the U.S. for only a couple of years, the answer is pretty simple. I gained insights into the workings of American society by intentionally learning from books, and other information sources on the internet, which was facilitated by a local library. When I look back at my teenage days, no other institution shaped my life and exposed me to the world like the local library in my hometown. It was through books in that library that I was transported to far-flung places including the United States, and learned about great people, events, and places. As such, I appreciate and love libraries as one of the institutions that mold and shape individuals in a society.

Recently, I was invited to tour the Salina Public Library, and learn of some of the innovative improvements that will be taking place soon. I was received by the Library Director, Melanie Hedgespeth, and the Head of Fundraising and Development, Allyson Walker. Melanie and Allyson welcomed me and shared about various aspects of the work of the library. They took me around the various units and sections of the library and I saw the unique ways the library was actively engaging with the Salina community. I was particularly thrilled to learn how much Nex-Tech’s broadband had transformed the entire library ecosystem and enabled the library to function effectively. Nex-Tech’s broadband is essential as the technological backbone of the Salina Public Library.

The Salina Public Library, like many others across rural Kansas, functions as a center for technology and innovation, a learning center for kids, a youth innovation center, a training center, a community center, a networking center, and even an entertainment center. At Nex-Tech, we understand the multipurpose role of libraries in society and know how to leverage technology to support them. Nex-Tech has a rich history of partnering and supporting local libraries across northwest and central Kansas. I am grateful to be serving an organization that believes in the power of libraries to impact lives, and works actively to support libraries and learning across Kansas.

We are still expanding our fiber services in Salina. Our construction team is hard at work, so check here to see if we are already at your home or within your neighborhood. 

Friday Otuya

Connect with Friday

Friday Otuya
Community Engagement Specialist

Friday Otuya /Or-Too-Yah/ drives our multifaceted community economic development efforts and is the Nex-Tech contact for all our loan and grant programs. His vision is to position Nex-Tech as the community economic development partner of choice in Kansas for federal, state, and local stakeholders.  He lives with his wife and son in Hays, KS.

Weekdays: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
