Smoky Hill Country Club, Hays
7:00-7:45 a.m. Registration; 8:00 a.m. Start
Nex-Tech is pleased to host a charity four-person scramble, with proceeds benefiting Big Brothers Big Sisters, a local non-profit organization that provides positive role models for children.
Entry fees are $600 for a 4-person team and include:
- Green Fees
- Golf Carts (if needed)
- Luncheon at Smoky Hill Country Club
- Swag Bags
- Flight Prizes For Top Three Teams in Each of Three Flights
Fun games throughout the day!
Hole sponsorships are $350 and include:
- Sponsorship Sign with Name/Logo on a Tee Box
- Sponsorship Recognition at the Luncheon
- Up to five mulligans per person can be purchased.
- Cost is $5 per mulligan.
Or call Big Brothers Big Sisters* at 785.625.6672.
*Serving Ellis, Norton, Rooks, Rush, Russell and Trego Counties.