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Finally, a scholarship competition that is as awesome as you make it. Put your passion on display and showcase your story your way. Choose any method you want to tell what you are passionate about and how it has led to your chosen career. We don’t care if you send us a video, slideshow, artwork, essay, WHATEVER.



DEADLINE February 14, 2025

Application Guidelines

Scholarships: Ten $1,000 scholarships and five $500 scholarships will be awarded.

To Apply: Complete the application form, submit your story following the guidelines listed below, and include one letter of recommendation from a school staff or community member supporting your performance and achievements in school and community projects.

Eligibility: Open to graduating high school seniors living in the Nex-Tech service area whose parents or legal guardians subscribe to at least one of the following Nex-Tech residential or business services: Landline Phone, Internet, or TV.  (No other services are eligible.)

Your Story: Submit a brief presentation to showcase your passion and how that has led to your chosen career path. We suggest a maximum of 10 slides for presentations, 1,000 words for essays (can include pictures), or 5 minutes for video explaining each of the following four points:

  1. What influenced your passion?
  2. How you’ve developed your passion?
  3. Where your passion will take you in the future?
  4. How you will apply your passion/career back to your community?

Acceptable digital media formats: Word, PowerPoint, Adobe PDF, YouTube, and Google Docs/Slides with viewing permissions enabled. Your presentation can be saved and submitted as a link, saved to a USB or DVD, or printed (whatever you prefer).

Other acceptable submissions: You may also mail or hand deliver artwork, photography, or other mediums that tell your story. It’s really up to you!

Presentations will be judged on creativity, grammar, syntax, and spelling accuracy. We are not concerned about class rank, grades, or other forms of scholastic/athletic achievement. We just want to know about you, your passion, and how that has led to your chosen career.

Examples, to get you started:

  • Say you are intrigued by technology and computers are your life; however, you just haven’t decided what techy career is right for you. Tell us about your passion through an essay or video and describe possible career paths, such as network monitoring, security analysis, or customer help desk support.
  • You love art, and, through a variety of high school projects, you realize that a career in marketing as a graphic or web designer is for you. You showcase those projects through pictures or video and describe how they have contributed to your future plans.
  • You are passionate about numbers and enjoy analyzing data. Explain how the numbers led you down a financial/marketing analyst or accounting-related career path.
  • Participation in youth organizations has made you realize you are a people person. Perhaps a retail customer service, public relations, or human resources job is in your future. Share photos in an essay or capture yourself in action with a video.
  • Leadership is what turns your crank, but you’re not sure what career path that means for you. Present your leadership experience/values in a way that is applicable to many career paths, such as organizational management.

These are just examples. Really, the sky’s the limit. We want you to use your own creativity in sharing your story with us. After all, it’s all about… YOU!

How to Submit Your Application and Presentation:

Option 1-Online: Complete the online application form, attach your presentation showcasing your career passion (as a document or link), attach one letter of recommendation, and click Submit.  For your convenience, upload fields are included within the online application form.

Option 2-Mail or Hand-Delivery: Complete the application form without attaching any supporting documents. Select the option indicating mail or hand-delivery, then click Submit. Mail or hand-deliver your presentation, letter of recommendation, and a copy of your confirmation email to:
Nex-Tech Scholarship Committee
P.O. Box 158
145 N. Main
Lenora, KS 67645

Complete Application Checklist:
1. Online Application Form. 2. Presentation Showcasing Your Career Passion. 3. Letter of Recommendation.

February 14, 2025: Postmarked, submitted online, or hand-delivered to the Lenora Office. If hand-delivering, please contact Darcie or Taryn at the Lenora business office to confirm office hours by calling 877-625-7872. Late applications will not be accepted.

Winning Presentations:
The Nex-Tech Scholarship Committee will announce recipients by April 18, 2025.

If you have any questions or would like to verify eligibility, please contact:

Darcie Brooks, Administrative Assistant/Youth Services
877-625-7872, Ext. 5147

Taryn Graham, Executive Administrator
877-625-7872, Ext. 5101