Real-Life AI Tales: From Intimidation to Implementation

September 12, 2024

Aubree Broyles, Digital Media Supervisor

Artificial Intelligence (AI) can seem intimidating, but with the right tips and tricks, it can become an invaluable tool in your daily workflow. In this blog post, we’ll explore some practical AI tips and tricks shared by Aubree Broyles from Nex-Tech Creative, who has been using AI to enhance her work in digital media and marketing.

Understanding Prompts

A prompt is a way for a human to interact with an AI system by providing instructions or queries to get a desired result. The quality of the AI-generated results depends heavily on the quality of the prompts you provide. Here are some key tips for crafting effective prompts:

  1. Be Specific: Use prompts like “Act as a digital marketer improving the SEO of a website” to give clear instructions to the AI.
  2. Acknowledge and Proceed: Start with “Please acknowledge with okay” and then specify the tone, length, and reading level of the response.
  3. Tone and Style: Specify the tone you want, such as friendly but professional, and the format, like a bulleted list or short paragraphs.

Improving AI Responses

Sometimes, the initial AI response might not be exactly what you want. Here are some tips to refine the output:

  • Remove Purple Prose: Ask the AI to “remove the purple prose” to eliminate overly elaborate language.
  • Teacher-Student Interaction: Use prompts like “Respond like you are my teacher and I am your student” to get clearer explanations.
  • Exclude Specific Words: Provide a list of words to exclude from the output to make the text more concise and relevant.

Practical Uses of AI in Marketing

AI can be a game-changer in marketing. Here are some ways you can leverage AI for your marketing needs:

  • Content Creation: Generate text for direct mailers, flyers, website copy, newsletters, and press releases.
  • Creative Concepts: Come up with campaign ideas, puns, or jokes.
  • Data Manipulation: Use AI to convert town names into zip codes or add states behind town names.
  • Research: Find the best time to host a live webinar or understand public perception of specific terms.

Content Writing Tips

Here are some prompts to improve your content writing:

  • Conversational Style: “Generate text that avoids using formal or overly academic phrases. Aim for a natural, conversational style that sounds like two friends talking at a coffee shop.”
  • Local References: “When writing this, keep in mind our customers live in [name the area]. Reference local phrases, landmarks, cultures, etc.”
  • Company Name: “When writing the content, please use our company name, which is [company name], at a few different points.”
  • Human Touch: “Do NOT be pushy or salesy with your writing style. We want the reader to know our company exists and that it solves the problem the article is discussing, but the style should not come across as biased.”

Exploring Copilot

Aubree also shared her initial experiences with Copilot, a tool integrated with essential apps like Excel, Word, and PowerPoint. She created the first draft of her presentation in just 60 seconds, showcasing the potential of AI to streamline workflows and enhance productivity.

By incorporating these tips and tricks into your AI interactions, you can transform intimidation into implementation and make AI an integral part of your daily workflow. Happy prompting!