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Why Nex-Tech Supports National Rural Groups like the NREDA

Written by: Friday Otuya

December 20, 2024

At Nex-Tech, we are a big believer in rural America. We serve rural America with services from Home/Business Broadband Services to TV NowManaged IT and Cloud to Business Communications Infrastructure, Creative Solutions to Physical Security Solutions, and Cybersecurity to our NOC and Carrier Services; not forgetting our youth services, donations, sponsorships, and giveaways to members of our community.

But we recognize that while our services are as important as ever, and we will continue to provide them; we also need statewide, region-wide, and county-wide, organizations and groups to always play their part in the puzzle so that together we can continually enhance the quality of life in the community.

I posed a question recently: what is the most important element in rural economies?

Government policy?
Grant dollars?

While all of the above are critical, I think “rural people” are the most important factor. I mean, the men and women who piece all the other elements together for small towns of 1,000 residents or less to big cities of 50,000 or more residents. This is why Nex-Tech has always been a partner of the National Rural Economic Developers Association (NREDA) in improving our rural communities. NREDA brings together rural leaders from various backgrounds and experiences towards concerted efforts and solutions. NREDA is dedicated exclusively to:
– the advancement of rural development,
– the development of member proficiency, and
– the achievement of social and human service objectives in rural areas.

NREDA’s membership is comprised primarily of, but not limited to: Electric Cooperatives; Broadband (Telephone) Cooperatives; Economic Development Organizations; Associations; Government Entities; and more.

In early November 2024, we invested a few days with over 300 NREDA leaders at its annual conference. In that meeting, a western Kansas rural leader, Nikki Pfannenstiel, was honored with the Outstanding Leadership in the Field of Rural Economic Development, award. For decades, Nikki has been a champion for a holistic and collaborative rural economy in western Kansas, including the NexTech footprint. While she is employed directly by an electric co-op, she has worked tirelessly to foster a collaborative rural ecosystem mindset; and I think she represents a fine example of leadership across the private and public sectors in supporting the rural communities Nex-Tech serves.

Congratulations, Nikki!
And congratulations to Western Kansas!

  1. Dennis Mingyar, NREDA Awards Chair; and Director of Economic Development at Ohio’s Electric Cooperatives
  2. Nikki Pfannenstiel, Manager, Economic Development at Sunflower Electric Power Corporation, KS
  3. Brittany Dickey, NREDA President; and Vice President, Business Development at Corn Belt Power Cooperative, Iowa
Friday Otuya

Connect with Friday

Friday Otuya
Community Engagement Specialist

Friday Otuya /Or-Too-Yah/ drives our multifaceted community economic development efforts and is the Nex-Tech contact for all our loan and grant programs. His vision is to position Nex-Tech as the community economic development partner of choice in Kansas for federal, state, and local stakeholders.  He lives with his wife and son in Hays, KS.

Weekdays: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
