Why Nex-Tech is bringing high-speed broadband to rural America

Written by: Friday Otuya

August 29, 2024
Recently, I was at a forum where broadband topics were being debated. Some of the questions raised included: 
  • Why are we striving to build high-speed broadband networks across America? 
  • Who will pay for these huge investments, construction, and maintenance? 
  • Will these networks be affordable for people? 
  • How can these broadband networks uplift a community? 

I think the right way to attempt to respond to these questions is for us to understand how broadband networks open up opportunities for everyone. The end game is that there is an opportunity for anyone who wants to connect, relax, learn, play, and do business, to have the technological means to do so. The Nex-Tech broadband network offers critical connections and creates opportunities for people. When Nex-Tech makes broadband investments, we are sowing into the future of kids, parents, families, schools, hospitals, libraries, and businesses, and expanding the pool of what people can do, achieve, or become with technology – that is opportunity. We do this because we want people to have the opportunities to improve their lives right where they are.

We believe that a young child in Natoma, Kansas should have the same opportunities as a child in the San Francisco Bay Area of California. A young child living on a family farm in rural Oberlin should be able to learn whatever kids in Boston, Massachusetts are learning, and have dreams to one day create solutions, or start a company. We believe that a farmer in Clayton, Kansas should have the technological tools and resources they need to compete and succeed. We believe that the senior citizen in Agra can leverage connectivity and start a business from the comfort of their home and be successful. We believe that people who live in rural America should have the same opportunities as those who live in metropolitan areas. This is why we do what we do.

Our grant team works tirelessly to prepare applications and explain all these facts to grant-giving bodies on why rural communities should get high-quality connectivity. But we also do more.

👉🏾 We maintain a high-speed fiber network across that is future-proof and affordable for community members.
👉🏾 We teach people how to harness connectivity for meaningful economic purposes.
👉🏾 Our broadband projects make a difference in the community by uplifting everyone.

Earlier this year, our team of engineers, managers, and executives came together to work towards deploying broadband to the city of Kirwin, Kansas. I was privileged to work with this team to engage with the people and hear their story and their perspectives. Thankfully, and with the efforts of many stakeholders including state and federal government officials, the Philips County Economic Development team, the Kirwin City Improvement Committee, the Kirwin City Council, the Hansen Foundation, and lots more, we were awarded the grant in July. Read here: Nex-Tech Receives Grant Funding to Build Fiber to Kirwin, Kansas

For me, seeing the project plans from the boardroom, rallying support from civil leaders, and walking the city streets to see the people that will be impacted, were all very humbling. Lives and livelihoods depend on connectivity and we cannot let them down. Rural connectivity will require stakeholders to think of the education of kids, the employment of workers, the rebuilding of communities, the repair of infrastructure, the importantly the expansion of opportunity.

Nex-Tech fiber broadband is coming to Kirwin and we believe that opportunity is also coming to Kirwin.

Our engineers and technicians are still out there working to connect people. Check out our current fiber builds here.

Friday Otuya

Connect with Friday

Friday Otuya
Community Engagement Specialist

Friday Otuya /əoTU:ya:/ drives our multifaceted community economic development efforts and is the Nex-Tech contact for all our loan and grant programs. His vision is to position Nex-Tech as the community economic development partner of choice in Kansas for federal, state, and local stakeholders.  He lives with his wife and son in Hays, KS.

Weekdays: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.

