Triumph of Technology: How the Nex-Tech Internet Network Aced the Taylor Swift Test

November 28, 2023

The Thursday night showdown between the Kansas City Chiefs and the Denver Broncos was an event like no other. While it was a test of athleticism on the field, the combination of the game being streamed on Amazon Prime paired with a new audience of Chiefs viewers, aka Swifties, presented a new colossal challenge for the Nex-Tech network – managing an unprecedented surge in bandwidth demands. 

Gearing Up for the Challenge
Only a short while ago, the toughest test of the Internet network was typically the first big snow day of the year. Buried in snow drifts, all the school kids in the land would be at home during the day with little to do other than entertain themselves on devices. The past few snow days peaked on the bandwidth usage charts between 100-110 gigabits per second. With the shift to streaming television, network traffic has seen a dramatic shift to the “big game” now being the true test of network fortitude.

Nex-Tech’s Internet service area is situated in the rolling plains of western Kansas, positioned about halfway between Denver and Kansas City. Do you see where this is going? The Nex-Tech team fully anticipated the game to be a milestone in network management and fortified the infrastructure, expecting to surpass the previous high mark of 110 gigabits.

Embracing Cutting-Edge Solutions
As fans poured into Mile-High Stadium, excitement mounted and data surged through the network. The artfully constructed infrastructure leveraged the latest in routing technology and AI-driven traffic predictions to ensure smooth, uninterrupted connectivity for viewers. It was a balancing act of precision and foresight.

The moment of truth came when the monitoring systems reported a staggering 140-gigabit spike in traffic – a new record, soaring past the previous high of 110 gigabits. This was uncharted territory, but preparations paid off. The network didn’t just cope; it thrived under pressure, showcasing its capability to handle such extraordinary demands.

A Symphony of Teamwork
This achievement was a testament to our team’s effort and coordination. A myriad of different departments collaborated seamlessly, ensuring that every aspect of the network functioned like a well-oiled machine. Their expertise and dedication were pivotal in turning this challenge into a success story.

Lessons Learned and Future Horizons
This event was more than a successful test of the network’s capabilities; it was a learning experience that has set new operational standards for Nex-Tech. Driven by the insights gained from this landmark event, Nex-Tech is already exploring ways to further enhance the network and make investments to ensure what is built today will stand the test of time – and Taylor Swift.