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Billing Information

ATTENTION: Payment date changes

We are transitioning our payment processing system over the next few months. To help streamline payment processing, starting January 1st, 2023 Nex-Tech will be changing the date your monthly payment is due. Monthly bills will now be due by end of day on the 10th of the current month. Auto payments will also now be processed on the 10th of the current month. If payment is not received by the 19th of the current month your services will be suspended. Contact a customer sales representative if you have questions at 877-625-7872.

New Online Payment Portal
Nex-Tech is excited to announce the launch of our new online payment portal! New features include Venmo, Apple Pay, Google Pay and PayPal. And you have the flexibility to select the day your payment is made, through the 18th of the month.
Customers Previously Registered on Nex-Tech Payment Portal 

You will just need your existing UserID and Password to access the new portal. 

New Users

Simply click Register Now and you will be prompted to enter information to activate your payment portal.

Save Postage and Paper with Ebill

All new customers  will receive your monthly statement by email. You will also have access to past bills in your account history by logging in to your account online.

Automatic Payment

Automatic payment allows you to pay your monthly bill automatically by charging it to your checking account or credit card at no additional cost to you. It comes out automatically on the day it is due. With automatic payment, you save time and money by not having to write checks and pay for postage. You will still receive your monthly statement marked “Paid Automatically By Your Bank.” If you should have any billing questions or concerns, you will have ample time to resolve them, prior to payment of the bill.


All new customers are required to set up an automatic form of payment.
Installation Fees

Several options are available for your residential Nex-Tech Internet, phone, and/or TV service installation. You may choose to sign a commitment for Nex-Tech services, or pay installation fees up front.

Term Commitment:

You will receive free installation when a 36-month commitment is signed. This includes one Internet connection, one phone connection, and two connections for Essentials TV service or three connections for Premiere TV service. Any additional connections will be billed at $130 per hour.

You will receive half-price installation when a 24-month commitment is signed. This includes one Internet connection, one phone connection, and two connections for Essentials TV service or three connections for Premiere TV service. Any additional connections will be billed at $130 per hour.

Regular Installation Rates:

When adding a new Nex-Tech Internet, phone, and/or TV service, a one-time installation fee will be charged at the time service is set up, if you choose not to sign a term commitment.

Nex-Tech Phone Service Installation: A one-time installation fee of $40 will be applied. This fee covers all materials and time required to establish phone service to one phone connection. If you would like service to additional phone connections in your home, a charge of $130 per hour, plus cost of materials, will apply.

Nex-Tech Internet Service Installation: A one-time installation fee of $99 will be applied. This fee covers all materials and time required to establish one Internet connection. However, if you choose to lease your wireless router from Nex-Tech, this fee will be waived.* If you would like service hardwired to additional Internet connections in your home, a charge of $130 per hour, plus cost of materials, will apply.

Nex-Tech TV Service Installation: A one-time installation fee of $99 will be applied. This fee covers all materials and time required to establish TV service to your TV(s). If subscribing to Essentials TV service, this fee will cover two TV connections. If subscribing to Premiere TV service, this fee will cover three TV connections. If you would like service to additional TVs in your home, a charge of $130 per hour, plus cost of materials, will apply.

If adding multiple Nex-Tech services at one-time, a one-time installation fee of $99 will be applied. Dependent upon the services subscribed to, this fee includes one phone connection, one Internet connection and up to three TV connections. Any additional connections will be billed at a rate of $130 per hour, plus cost of materials.

*Router lease program is not available in all areas.

Moving/Change of Address:

If you are not currently in a term commitment where you received free installation or a free move, and decide to move locations, you may sign a 24 month term commitment to receive ½ priced standard installation or a 36 month term commitment to receive free standard installation for the move of your service.

If you signed a term commitment to receive a free installation, free move, ½ price installation or ½ price move, and decide to move locations during the term, moves fees of $99 for a standard move will apply.

Common Bill Charges
Retransmission Consent Fee

A fee set forth by broadcasters who own local television stations and is mandated by the Federal Communications Commission.

Access Recovery Charge (ARC)

The ARC is authorized by the Federal Communications Commission and is designed to offset revenue losses experienced by the Company resulting from recent FCC actions. The ARC is subject to change annually and we will notify you in advance of any future changes to the ARC.

City Franchise Fee

Cable and Telephone operators, such as Nex-Tech, are often required to pay a fee to the municipalities that they serve, for the rental of their rights-of-way. Federal law permits this “franchise fee” to be passed through to subscribers. In most cases, this fee appears on your monthly Nex-Tech billing statement as a separate line item. This fee is generally a % of certain revenues derived from our cable or telephone operations where applicable.

Federal Regulatory Fee

The Federal Communication Commission (FCC) assesses an annual fee to telecommunications service providers, such as Nex-Tech, to recover the costs that it incurs in carrying out enforcement, policy and rule-making, as determined annually by Congress. These fees are permitted to be passed through to subscribers. This fee will generally appear on your monthly Nex-Tech billing statement as “Federal Regulatory Fee.”

Federal Universal Service Fund Charge (FUSF)

Similar to the Universal Service Charge for local service, except this fee is applied as a percentage of your local access fee, and interstate and international long distance toll charges.

Kansas Universal Service Fund (KUSF)

This is a charge applied as a percentage of your local access fee, and intrastate long distance toll charges mandated by the Kansas Corporation Commission to ensure all customers in rural high-cost areas of the state have access to affordable service. This charge supports the Kansas Universal Service Fund (KUSF), which supports the Lifeline program, Kansas Relay Services, Telecommunications Access Program as well as network enhancements and upgrades in rural areas.

Itemized Toll Charges

Charges for individual toll (long-distance) calls made through the long-distance company customers have chosen as their primary carrier. There may be other itemized charges for directory assistance, collect calls, 900 calls, etc. Below is a description of the various abbreviations you may see on your bill.

BLI = Busy Line Interruption
CC = Calling Card
CCOP = Calling Card Directory Assistance by Operator
COLL = Collect Call
DACC = Directory Assistance using Calling Card
DADD = Directory Assistance using Direct Dial
DAOP = Directory Assistance by Operator
DD = Direct Dial
LSV = Line Status Verification
OP = Operator Assisted Call
RECL = Automatic Recall (Call Return)
REDL = Automatic Call Back (Automatic Redial)
TRAC = Customer Originated Trace
3RD# = 3rd Number (example: customer makes a call from a payphone to a number other than their home phone, but charges the call to their home phone number)
800 = 800 Number
900 = 900 Number
Federal, State and Local Taxes

These are excise and franchise taxes for telecommunications services assessed by the federal government, state of Kansas, and local cities and counties. Taxes will vary depending on your location.

Monthly Service

This is a basic monthly service rate for dial tone, allowing you to make and receive local (non-toll) calls. Failure to pay local service rate and applicable taxes and fees will result in disconnection and loss of service.

Number Portability Charge

The Telecommunications Act of 1996 requires that service providers ensure that customers are able to retain their existing numbers when they switch from one service provider to another. Established by the FCC, this is a fixed, monthly charge that allows local companies to recover some of their costs to provide number “portability” to customers.

End User Charge

A flat monthly charge, established by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), assessed directly to customers to help local telephone companies recover some of their costs in constructing and maintaining the local network.

911 Charge

A state/local government charge to fund emergency 911 services, such as fire and rescue.

Kansas End User Charge (KS END USER CHG)

This is a charge applied to monthly service and calling features mandated by the Kansas Corporation Commission to ensure all customers in rural high-cost areas of the state have access to affordable service. This charge supports the Kansas Universal Service Fund (KUSF), which supports the Lifeline program, Kansas Relay Services, Telecommunications Access Program as well as network enhancements and upgrades in rural areas.

Universal Service Charge (UNIV SERV CHG)

The federal government established national programs to support universal telephone service. This fund assists with the costs of providing “affordable” services to low-income individuals and to residents in rural, high-cost areas. In addition, Congress has expanded the program to help schools, libraries and rural health care providers obtain advanced services, such as Internet access. All providers of telecommunications services contribute to the support of these programs. The amount on your bill depends on the services you order and the number of telephone lines you have. Generally, the surcharge is applied per line. This rate may be adjusted quarterly.