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Nex-Tech to Bring Fiber to Salina Residents

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Lenora, Kan, 2-8-2023 — Nex-Tech, a Kansas company and leader in technology, is pleased to announce the next phase of fiber expansion will be to Salina area households. This fiber expansion provides Internet accessibility of speeds up to 1 Gig, allowing ample bandwidth for running multiple wireless devices (including streaming video) or supporting a work-from-home lifestyle.  

Increased Internet speeds provide many benefits to residences and businesses. It allows the transfer of very large files over the Internet, like medical images or multimedia programming. A fiber infrastructure also levels the playing field for small, rural communities to compete with larger, urban areas for business growth, expansion, and economic development. 

Starting in March, Nex-Tech will begin the buildout process to several residential neighborhoods in the east and south areas of Salina. The general area includes most areas east of the Smokey Hill River, and parts south of Magnolia, Belmont to Schilling, and southeast of Cloud and Ohio. For detailed areas, please visit www.nex-tech.com/salina. This area of fiber expansion is estimated to be complete by the end of 2023. 

In addition, Nex-Tech was recently awarded a grant from the Kansas Capital Project Funds (CPF) Broadband Infrastructure Program to bring fiber to a residential neighborhood north of Salina and an area along I-70 to the north and south in the Hedville area. This area of the fiber expansion will start in 2024.

“Nex-Tech expansion plans are driven in large part by our commitment to making connectivity an integral part of rural America,” says Dustin Schlaefli, Director of Customer Engagement. “That said, it is an expensive proposition, so when we build, it is with an eye to the future. We know that a 10 Mbps connection is no longer enough for the average household and demand will continue to increase as technology advances.”  

For more information on Nex-Tech’s fiber expansion in Salina, please visit www.nex-tech.com/salina or you may stop by our store during the Cocoa Crawl on February 17, 2023. Nex-Tech’s local store is located at 104 N. Santa Fe, Suite B. in downtown Salina, and will be open Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. starting on February 20th. Nex-Tech has fifteen local employees, so when customers have a question, or need assistance, local assistance will be available. 

Nex-Tech, a technology service provider, has been offering services in Salina since 2005, with a store location since that time. In addition to providing phone, Internet, and business technology services, the Internet expansion will allow Nex-Tech to deliver TV Now service as well, providing a new option for TV service to Salina residents. Nex-Tech currently offers fiber service in nearly 60 communities throughout Kansas and was the first company in the nation to bring fiber to the home.  


Dustin Schlaefli at
Fax: 785.625.4479

About Nex-Tech

Nex-Tech connects thousands of people and businesses through a robust broadband network. Nex-Tech’s powerful fiber-to-the-premise technology delivers leading-edge enterprise solutions to clients nationwide including cloud services, servers, security, phone systems, hosted PBX, managed IT, advertising solutions, and network operations monitoring. Nex-Tech employees are customer-focused on providing the most effective technology solutions with unsurpassed user- friendly support. Headquartered in Lenora, Kansas, Nex-Tech has been delivering exceptional service for 70 years.