Nex-Tech Supports K-State Digital Ambassadors Program

Written by: Friday Otuya

November 5, 2024

Nex-Tech is supporting a new train-the-trainer, volunteer-led effort to address the broadband knowledge and affordability gap in Kansas. It is called the Digital Ambassadors Program. The program seeks to increase digital literacy and skills among Kansas citizens.

The program will involve Adult Digital Ambassadors working one-on-one with local citizens to assist with broadband access and skill training. A core group of trained Digital Ambassadors made up of extension specialists and agents will provide Digital Ambassadors training to local staff and volunteers.

As a leader in technology in Kansas, Nex-Tech is part of the program’s advisory committee. Nex-Tech will offer insights and advice to help make the program a success.

Learn more about the Digital Ambassadors Program

Read news releases:
K-State launches effort to heighten digital literacy in Kansas
The Digital Divide 

Friday Otuya

Connect with Friday

Friday Otuya
Community Engagement Specialist

Friday Otuya /Or-Too-Yah/ drives our multifaceted community economic development efforts and is the Nex-Tech contact for all our loan and grant programs. His vision is to position Nex-Tech as the community economic development partner of choice in Kansas for federal, state, and local stakeholders.  He lives with his wife and son in Hays, KS.

Weekdays: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
