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Nex-Tech Resolves Service Outage

May 30, 2024

Lenora, Kan, 5-29-2024 – Nex-Tech, a leading Internet service provider in the region, announced today that it has successfully resolved a service outage that affected some of its customers on Wednesday, May 29, 2024.

What happened?

The service outage was caused by a network card failure that was replaced during scheduled maintenance on Tuesday night. The network card malfunctioned again on Wednesday evening, and the network operations team had to revert to the original card. The service was fully restored by 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday.

How many customers were affected?

Nex-Tech estimates that no more than 50 percent of its customers experienced a disruption of Internet service during the outage. The affected customers were located across the service area, and the outage duration varied depending on the location and the device.

How did Nex-Tech respond?

Nex-Tech apologized for the inconvenience and thanked its customers for their patience and understanding. The company informed its customers of the situation and the resolution by posting updates on its Facebook page. The company also supported customers through the Help Desk, which received more calls than usual. Nex-Tech appreciated the feedback and suggestions they received from their customers and will use them to improve service and communication.

How will Nex-Tech prevent future errors?

Nex-Tech values its customers and strives to provide them with reliable and high-quality service. The company is reviewing the incident thoroughly and will take steps to prevent such errors from happening again. The company will also conduct a root cause analysis and implement corrective actions to ensure the stability and security of its network.

Contact information.

For any questions or concerns, please contact Nex-Tech at 888-565-3200 or visit the website at www.nex-tech.com.