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Get Your Town to Win KDOC’s Towns Grant

Written by: Friday Otuya

January 27, 2025

There is a new ‘cool’ grant out there from the Kansas Department of Commerce (KDOC), called the Towns Grant. See all the details on the grant page: https://www.kansascommerce.gov/towns/

What is it?
KDOC has identified communities that have NOT received any of their grant funding in the last 5 years and has tailored this grant to suit them. You might think of it as perhaps being flexible with some requirements, making the process easier, providing closer guidance; inviting the towns to come up with ‘something’ or ‘anything’ that KDOC can fund with no more than $10,000; and helping small towns build grassroots capacity to apply for and win bigger funding for their community. For a town that has never won any commerce grant, this could be the ‘win’ they need to get some fire started.🙂 Think of a small-scale town project for kids, seniors, the library, the local 4-H group, etc… Only communities with a population of 5,000 or less are eligible.

Over 50 towns across the Nex-Tech service footprint are eligible. We are seeing towns like Norton, Natoma, Downs, Woodston, Grainfield, Bogue, Almena, Kensington, Lebanon, Gaylord, Long Island, Kirwin, Jennings, Rexford, Victoria, Zurich, Gem, Olmitz, Clayton, Morland, Goessel, Lenora, and many more. See full list 🔗

This page has more details on project ideas: https://kansasdepartmentofcommerce.submittable.com/submit/313382/towns-grant-application

What to do with this info?

  • Share, tell others, and spread the word to your townspeople if yours is eligible.
  • Share with your local chamber of commerce
  • Share with your local city council/city leadership contact
  • Share with your local community development group
  • and possibly lead this grant application process for your town.

It would be great if some of these state grant dollars were injected into our towns to enhance the quality of life.
For questions call/text and email Sarah Bloom (785-639-6671/sara.bloom@ks.gov); or visit the program page: https://www.kansascommerce.gov/towns/.

Would you want your town to apply and are curious about where to start or how to get the process going?

Let us know with the details below we’ll see what we can do.  🙂

Friday Otuya

Connect with Friday

Friday Otuya
Community Engagement Specialist

Friday Otuya /Or-Too-Yah/ drives our multifaceted community economic development efforts and is the Nex-Tech contact for all our loan and grant programs. His vision is to position Nex-Tech as the community economic development partner of choice in Kansas for federal, state, and local stakeholders.  He lives with his wife and son in Hays, KS.

Weekdays: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
