Nex-Tech is excited to bring the benefits of fiber to your neighborhood! Use the form below to sign up for services at your apartment complex. MDU Quick Connect City & Address Start by Selecting Your City * Great BendSalinaCourtland Apartment Complex Name * Airport Apartments, 2764 Berschel Ave, Salina KS 67401Airport Apartments, 2774 Berschel Ave, Salina KS 67401Airport Apartments, 2782 Berschel Ave, Salina KS 67401Highland Park Apartments, 2660 Highland Ave, Salina KS 67401Highland Park Apartments, 2664 Highland Ave, Salina KS 67401Johnstown Apartments, 1010 Johnstown Ave, Salina, KS 67401Johnstown Apartments, 1012 Johnstown Ave, Salina, KS 67401Johnstown Apartments, 1013 Johnstown Ave, Salina, KS 67401Johnstown Apartments, 1015 Johnstown Ave, Salina, KS 67401Johnstown Apartments, 1017 Johnstown Ave, Salina, KS 67401Johnstown Apartments, 1019 Johnstown Ave, Salina, KS 67401McNelly Apartmentsm 708 Johnstown Ave, Salina KS 67401McNelly Apartments, 118 N Oakdale Ave, Salina KS 67401McNelly Duplex, 110 N Oakdale Ave, Salina KS 67401McNelly Duplex, 112 N Oakdale Ave, Salina KS 67401Norton Apartments, 1111 E Iron Ave, Salina KS 67401Norton Apartments, 1115 E Iron Ave, Salina KS 67401Parkwood Apartments, 1130 Parkwood Drive, Salina KS 67401Parkwood Apartments, 1912 Glendale Road, Salina KS 67401Parkwood Apartments, 1920 Glendale Road, Salina KS 67401Parkwood Apartments, 1928 Glendale Road, Salina KS 67401 Salina Apartment Complex Name * 405 Washington St, Apt 1-8, Courtland, KS 66939 Courtland Apartment Complex Name * 809 Coolidge St, Great Bend, KS 67530 Great Bend Were you referred to Nex-Tech by someone in your same complex? If so you may quality for an extra month of free service! Yes No Address of referring customer: Select an Internet Package and your FIRST BILL IS ON US!* Discount will be reflected in the cart. *Residential only. Promotion valid until January 31, 2026. Customer will not receive a charge for new services until after the first full month of service. NEX-TECH FIBER INTERNET PACKAGES * 1 Gig Symmetrical - $69 NEX-TECH FIBER INTERNET PACKAGES * 1 Gig Symmetrical - $69 Internet Package Includes * Protection Plus‡ Premium Router† Autopay and Ebill NEX-TECH TV NOW PACKAGES TV Now Deluxe - $100.00 TV Now Standard - $30.00 Includes 3 concurrent streams and 50 DVR hours. Nex-Tech Internet subscription required. View Channels Premium Packages Cinemax - $11.95 HBO - $17.95 NFL Redzone - $49.95 Showtime & TMC - $10.99 Sports & Entertainment - $13.95 Starz Encore - $8.95 Additional Streams & DVR Storage 123 $5 per each additional Stream+50 DVR hours. NEX-TECH PHONE PACKAGES Digital Phone - $20.00 Digital Phone 500 Plus - $28.00 Digital Phone - Unlimited - $44.00 Popular Calling Features Call Waiting - $7.65 Caller ID Name & Number - $9.45 Voicemail - $3.00 Basic charges do not include federal, state and local taxes and mandated charges. Frequent Caller 200 includes: Local phone service, 200 minutes of long distance, Caller ID Name and Number. No Limits includes: Local phone service, Caller ID Name and Number, Call Waiting, Call Waiting ID, Three-way Calling, unlimited long distance calling within the continental U.S. Automatic Payment & Ebill Automatic payment allows you to pay your monthly bill automatically by charging it to your checking account or credit card at no additional cost to you. It comes out automatically on the day it is due. With automatic payment, you save time and money by not having to write checks and pay for postage. You will still receive your monthly statement marked “Paid Automatically By Your Bank.” If you should have any billing questions or concerns, you will have ample time to resolve them, prior to payment of the bill. With Ebill, you will receive your monthly statement by email. Valid email address required. ‡Protection Plus includes premiere home Wi-Fi connectivity, wiring maintenance and equipment replacement. Internet subscribers with Protection Plus receive a dual-band wireless router which delivers a strong Wi-Fi signal at blazing fast speeds. Protection Plus also includes a maintenance plan to ensure the inside wiring and jacks in your home, that run your phone, Internet and TV service, will stay in proper working condition. Your Nex-Tech provided Internet equipment is also covered. If it stops working as expected, we will troubleshoot it and repair or replace it for free. Protection Plus is included with your Internet subscription month. Additional Phone Information Preferred voicemail PIN This will be the PIN number for accessing your voicemail. 6 to 20 characters; numbers only, please. Do you want to be listed in the phone directory? Yes No If you currently have phone service with another provider, will you be transferring your current phone number? Yes No If so, we will need to contact you for your account and/or PIN number to initiate the transfer. Additional Internet Information As a Nex-Tech Internet customer you must agree to Nex-Tech's Acceptable Use Policy. * I have read and agree to Nex-Tech's Acceptable Use Policy Subscription Charges $ Regulatory Fees $ Discounts $ Estimated Monthly Sales Tax $ Total Estimated First Payment $ Total Estimated Monthly Recurring Charges After Promotion $ FCC End User Chg Access Recovery Charge - Single Line-Res 3.00 E911 Cable - Federal Regulatory Fee Retransmission Fees If you are human, leave this field blank. Next