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Economic Development

Nex-Tech Joins CCK in Meetings with Governor Kelly and Legislators
Nex-Tech Joins CCK in Meetings with Governor Kelly and Legislators

The Communications Coalition of Kansas (CCK) is an organization of Rural Local Exchange Carriers (RLECs) that carry broadband through hundreds of miles, across dozens of communities, as well as to agricultural, educational, governmental, and healthcare institutions. In short, CCK members form the backbone of high-speed connectivity for the most rural economies of Kansas. CCK members serve 50% of the state’s geographic area, 104 out of the state’s 105 counties, and about 15% of households. Nex-Tech is a member of the CCK. Every year, we join other CCK members to visit the Kansas State Capitol in Topeka and engage with legislators.

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How You Can Help Support the Universal Service Fund
How You Can Help Support the Universal Service Fund

For over 80 years, the Universal Service Fund (USF) has helped rural communications providers like Nex-Tech and others in western Kansas to provide and maintain connectivity to many of our rural towns. Simply put, Nex-Tech and perhaps your local broadband company may not be able to construct or maintain broadband networks without this federal fund. However, recent events at the federal level have raised controversial questions about the fund, and it is now necessary to shed more light on this with our community stakeholders.

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Why Nex-Tech Supports National Rural Groups like the NREDA
Why Nex-Tech Supports National Rural Groups like the NREDA

At Nex-Tech, we are a big believer in rural America. We serve rural America with services from Home/Business Broadband Services to TV Now, Managed IT and Cloud to Business Communications Infrastructure, Creative Solutions to Physical Security Solutions, and Cybersecurity to our NOC and Carrier Services; not forgetting our youth services, donations, sponsorships, and giveaways to members of our community.

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3 Reasons Why the Government is Interested in Who Provides the Internet
3 Reasons Why the Government is Interested in Who Provides the Internet

One of the things we do as part of our community engagement efforts is to engage with local decision-makers, often in government, in the interest of the customers and communities Nex-Tech serves. When we talk with officials, we tend to ask questions relating to government policy, and also express the feedback we have received from our customers and our communities. It’s a great relationship where the public and private sectors work together to make lives better.

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