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Golf Tournament to Benefit Hays Baseball Club Ages 15-19

Friday, May 19
Smoky Hill Country Club • Hays, KS

8:00 a.m. Registration • 9:00 a.m. Shotgun Start


  • $600 per 4-person team or $150 per person
    Lunch & Cart included
  • Mulligans available at registration
  • Individuals will be matched with a team

*Non-member/outside carts are not permitted.


  • Hole Sponsors: $350 ea.
  • Hole Prize Sponsors: Minimum $100

Questions? Email hbcbaseballhs@gmail.com

Register now by completing the form below!
Hays Baseball Club Golf Tournament Registration

Please mark how you would like to support the Hays Baseball Club HS.

As a player:
As a sponsor:
Non-member/outside carts not permitted.

Contact Information

Please list all team members:

Total Due

To complete your registration, please send payment due to:
Hays Baseball Club HS
PO Box 1592
Hays, KS 67601

Payment must be received by April 30th, 2023, to secure your/your team's spot.